Hi, Nice to Meet You!

Hi, Hello!

For those who don’t know me, My name is Nicole Hilburn and I am a energetic Kindergarten teacher (because you need energy when you teach 25 full of life 5 year-olds, amirite?!?)

Anyways, I decided to start this blog for two reasons.

Reason 1: TEACHERS NEED SUPPORT (and lots of encouragement!)

Being a teacher is hard. That is something they do not tell you when you are spending hours on lesson plans in college. No, the content is not hard. BUT, being able to address 25 ENERGETIC 5 year-olds individualized needs and also keep them interested but also meet other needs and you also have to eat lunch at some point. Yes, teaching is hard. They don’t tell you that when you are purchasing your cute mongrammed clipboards and mugs. But, they do tell you its worth it. And that my friend, is the truth.

Reason 2: Teaching is my passion.

No, I did not teach my stuffed animals about reading when I was 3 and thats when I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I realized the impact that education, or lack of, has on a child’s life. I also saw the impact a teacher can make on a student’s life. Combine that with my love of children and you have a perfect formula for the teaching field. And I am blessed to say I get to make an impact on my students every single day.

Now, I am going to share 8 facts about me!

  1. I teach Kindergarten and I LOVE every second of it. My students are super energetic, excited for school and sweet as sugar! Sometimes no amount of coffee can help me keep up with them!
  2. My kids call me a “crazy cat lady” & its true. I love my big fluffy black cat Pom-Pom. She is sassy and a cat version of me. I wear the “cat lady” title with pride!
  3. I am a coffee addict and I have come to terms with it.
  4. During the summer, I work at Starbucks. I worked at Starbucks for most of my time in college and its something I love to do! (especially the coffee!!!!)
  5. I am probably the most organized unorganized person who has ever lived. Although things in my classroom are a mess, I know where to find anything at the drop of a hat. Its only my first year! I got time, right?!?!
  6. One of my favorite things to do is go to things that my students invite me to. If a student invites me to something, my rule is that I have to go. For example, I have been to several of my students sports games, church events and bought Girl Scout Cookies. I think showing students you care outside the classroom makes the biggest impact of all!
  7. I am a night owl. It is a myth that all teachers go to bed early. Its the truth that MOST of us TRY to go to bed early, but we are up late on TPT, Pinterest or blogging. (#currently). I usually try to go to bed by 11:30. Thats why I drink coffee people!
  8. I have several dreams besides being a teacher. They always change! At one point, I wanted to go to school to get my Masters and become an administrator. I have also had dreams of going back to school to study student behavior and social emotional needs. As of right now, I can’t imagine being anywhere but the classroom. Its hard to imagine a day without 25 small (but big) hugs!

Thank you for sticking around this long. I hope you enjoy my blog. If there is anything you would like for me to discuss, comment below! If not, happy reading.



Ms. Hilburn

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