
Raise your hand if you have ever been victimized by #teachertired!

Yes, same. If you are not a teacher, you really don’t understand. It’s something we can’t really explain. If you can relate to most of these statements, you have been a victim of #teachertired:

  1. You fall asleep on the couch, right after school, for more than an hour.
  2. After you finish your coffee at school, you wash it down with a Diet Coke. (its 9:30 a.m.)
  3. By 3:30p.m., you are contemplating a nap, coffee, or just going to bed.
  4. You fall asleep mid-grading or planning.
  5. Spending your weekends sleeping in and napping is more appealing than spending it with humans.

If you shouted “YESSS” to more than one of these, you are #teachertired.

I understand, I’ve been there & done that. BUT, I overcame. Here are my tricks to help you from being #teachertired:

  1. Wake up early & eat that breakfast.  I know. Waking up early to make breakfast when you can get an extra 30 minutes of sleep seems insane. But, it is so worth it. In the first half of the year, I would be driving down the road trying to shove coffee and a granola bar down my throat. By 8:00 a.m., I was starving! I made a commitment to myself to make breakfast every morning. It has help tremendously!
  2. NO NAPS! Yes, I am the Nap Queen! I could nap all day every day. But, one of my best teacher friends let me in on something so smart: napping ruins your sleep. Something so simple yet I didn’t believe it. It’s hard, but you must push through till bed time.
  3. Work it out! Yes, going to the gym can combat that #teachertired. I try to work out 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes -1 hour. This helps get your blood flowing. (also, you can eat an extra slice of cake! BONUS!)
  4. Make time for you. The “perfect teacher” could spend all day every day doing stuff related to teaching but still would not be perfect. Why? Because there is not enough time in the day! Time management is KEY! Lists are KEY! Do not stress over things that are not necessary. Make awesome lessons & make time for you! Your kids will love you either way.
  5. Stay Positive! It is so easy to criticize yourself. When things don’t go as planned, go with it! If you love your job, it will show through your teaching. Students can pick up on how you are feeling. Yes, it is ok to be real with them. You are a human and have feelings too! But, the way you deal with situations can help students grow more than you think. Trust me, they are always watching you.
  6. Weekends are for Fun, Family & Friends! It is so easy in this profession to be consumed all day long with Instagram, Pinterest, TPT and Facebook. We are constantly thinking about what we can do next. You are not only a teacher. You are an awesome human with other hobbies. I am constantly sharing with my students pictures of my weekend or things I am interested in. This will help them grow to develop their own personalities. So, do not feel guilty for putting down the red pen and spending time with family. You need to fill your cup to fill theirs. The grading can wait!

I hope this helps you! I am no expert, just a victim of #teachertired speaking out. Now, I am off to finish my iced coffee. Take Care!


Ms. Hilburn

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