Bye School Year, Hello Summer

Summer is here. If you are a teacher, you can relate to this. If you are not, so sorry. Either way you can laugh at my following list: Things Teachers Love About Summer Break!

  1. You can have a bathroom break whenever you want. #goals
  2. Your hot coffee doesn’t turn into “iced” coffee because you forgot it somewhere.
  3. Sleeping in all day everyday. (Lets be real, 8 a.m. is sleeping in.)
  4. You finally hear your “real” name more often. 
  5. You can watch whatever you want on Netflix instead of Trolls for the 40th time.
  6. Lunch Break, enough said.
  7. You don’t have to refer to everyone as your friend. 
  8. You have the energy to put effort in the way you look. (Maybe?)
  9. Not having to keep up with the day of the week. 

& last but not least,

10. Sweet, Sweet Silence 

Now, I want you to think of a Summer Goal you want to accomplish this summer. The school year is filled with crazy, and we often forget about ourselves. Being a teacher is harder than *most* professions. This means we need more self-care than others. Below I am listing my 5 Summer Goals:

  1. Read books that I enjoy
  2. Take time out for myself to accomplish my personal goals (This blog, duh!)
  3. Implement healthier eating habits
  4. Create a workout routine
  5. Spend plenty of time with myself, family and friends

Do you have any goals? Comment them below! 

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first!”


Ms. Hilburn


2 thoughts on “Bye School Year, Hello Summer

  1. Tina Davis

    Nice goals. I was out and about today and thought of you when I saw a huge book dedicated to crafts and projects for young children. I think of you very often, but wished I could sit with you and share the ideas in the book. One day we need to have some girl time.


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