“Yes You Can!”

Hiiii Friends,  (sorry for the teacher voice.)

It’s been a while since I’ve posted because school is back in session. I FINALLY feel like we have a routine down. In little over a month, I start grad school so my routine is going to change again. (go figure)

I’ve had something on my mind for the past few weeks. Back to school is so shiny, clean, and nice. A few weeks into the school year, you are filled with fatigue and your room is filled with germs. (#sickseason)

I wanted to write a post for those teachers that are struggling. That “can’t even right now”. For those teachers that are looking at other teachers and are envious of their class and how well it’s going. (I’ve been there!) I wanted to give you 3 words of advice: “Yes You Can!”

Now, I know how Negative Nancy’s work. They want you to tell them that their situation sucks, that they won’t make it out alive & sulk with them. But who does that serve? I wanted to drop some actual truth bombs:

  1. Despite what you are dealing with, you are a bomb teacher!


In an ideal world, our class would raise their hands before speaking, come with amazing background knowledge and just do what we ask the first time. But sadly, we live in reality. We can’t CHOOSE the students we have. But guess what? THAT’S AWESOME! If we were given perfect students, would we even be needed? We were chosen to be “those student’s” teacher. In the end, they need someone to care for them. They need someone to make them feel important and YOU are the person chosen for the job. Those are big shoes but THANKFULLY you have big feet. Now go and change lives, Nancy! 😉

2. Some students don’t make academic growth, and THAT IS OK!!


In your class, you have already noticed different things your students need to work on. This may be math, literacy writing OR it may be fine motor skils, social skills or adapting to a structured environment. Despite what the “data” shows, you know what growth your students have made. That student that wouldn’t speak to anyone but you? Now he is running free on the playground with TONS of friends. That student that couldn’t hold a pencil? Now she can write paragraphs of ideas and stories. Don’t only rely on data to show YOU that YOU are doing your job. Look at your students and the individuals they have become. It’s because of all your blood, sweat and tears. & THAT deserves recognition.

3. Let each day go and start fresh! (easier said than done)


YES! I said it. LET. IT. GO! You cannot change what happened yesterday or even an hour ago, so let it go! All you can do is ask yourself, “What would I do differently?”  or “How can I avoid that situation again?”. As teachers, we create a community within our classroom. My students and I have a “family” inside my classroom. We learn a lot and have TONS of fun. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Sometimes (haha only sometimes?) teaching is stressful and hard. Failing doesn’t make you a horrible teacher. The key to being a successful teacher (or person, honestly) is what you do with failure. Do you sulk and hold on or do you let it go and grow? Do you keep recreating the failure in your head and give up or do you take the opportunity to brainstorm new ideas and soar? It’s all in your attitude, Nancy. Is it ok to get frustrated? Of course, it’s healthy. But, it is not healthy to stay in that mindset. You are in the situation, how are you going to make the best of it?


In conclusion, you have 180 days with these students. How are you going to make an impact for life? (educational or not) Drink two cups or more of coffee, & own the day. There is no one who can teach like you! You got this!!



Ms. Hilburn

PS: Don’t be a Negative Nancy. Just be you. That’s good enough. 🙂

PSS: #Sorrynotsorry if you are now singing the Frozen soundtrack.