What Type of Teacher Are You?


So, on Facebook I’ve seen a ton of these “What Type of Teacher Are You?” and it made me curious. I decided to make my own…


Unorganized Teacher:

Yes, we all know this teacher. We walk into their room and say “What happened in here?!” Not because it’s dirty but because it looks like a bomb went off in their room. Books over here, games over there. How do you find anything!? This teacher also has a planner, but nothing is written down. “When is that meeting again?” they ask you.

There is nothing wrong with this teacher.  If you ask for that math unit you wanted to borrow, they go right to the 2-foot stack of papers and pull it right out. Their world may look unorganized to you, but it’s perfect for them.


The “Yes Man” (or woman): 

You are always questioning, “How do they have enough time in the day to sleep at night!?”

This teacher says yes to everything they are asked to do.

Will you join this curriculum team? Yes.

Will you help decorate the bulletin boards? Yes.

Will you help with this activity after school? Yes.

And the crazy part, most of these people don’t drink COFFEE.(!!)

But, they do everything they say yes to with pride & no complaints.


The Brainiac:

Before you even started reading this, you already pictured that teacher friend in your head. This teacher knows how to do EVERYTHING. MAP data? They got you. How to work with the new online math program?! They got you. Anytime you or the Principal has a question, they always go to them. (not because favoritism but because they truly know everything.) Keep these teachers on your good side. You need them. SERIOUSLY.


The Impactful Teacher:

This teacher leaves an imprint on students for years to come. You know this teacher is impactful because her/his student’s from YEARS ago still come to her/his room to say “hey!” every morning or STILL get her/him a gift on Teacher Appreciation Week. This teacher not only impacts a student’s educational career but their life. She/He takes the time to get to know each student on a personal level. They create a family within the classroom and make each student feel special. She/He works with families to figure out issues with students, even if they are hard conversations. This teacher is a true “Mama Bear” when it comes to her students. She supports them, loves them & is passionate about being a teacher. Keep this teacher in your close circle.



The Teacher Bestie:

This person can also be called “Work Wife”. Teaching is not for the weak and some days, it gets to you. The Teacher Bestie knows that. They are always there when you need to vent, cry, or need a laugh. They know you so well that they have candy waiting on your desk before you even ask. The best part about The Teacher Bestie? They have bad days too where they need you! You need The Teacher Bestie, especially on testing weeks. They know how you are feeling just from looking at you. They can read your mind from across the room. Oh, and you can always count on The Teacher Bestie to save you a seat for the meeting. (hopefully in the BACK of the room.)

Which teacher are you!?

-Ms. Hilburn





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